Steve Harmic
Oct 20, 2022
Area Agency on Aging CEO Kathleen Gillespie, right, and Dr. Jessica Ayres of the Susquehanna Wellness clinic accepted the Major Employer of the Year Award at the Greater Clearfield Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet and Halloween Gala on October 19.
CLEARFIELD, Pa. – Leadership at the Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging, a Division of Mature Resources, is pleased and grateful to announce that the agency has earned the Major Employer of the Year Award from the Greater Clearfield Chamber of Commerce. CEO Kathleen Gillespie and Dr. Jessica Ayres of the Susquehanna Wellness clinic accepted the award at the chamber’s banquet on October 19.
“We were thrilled just to be nominated for this award,” Gillespie said. “To receive it is truly an honor. Our staff puts countless hours of hard work into serving our community, and this is a testament to the impact that work is making on those we serve. This is very validating, reminding us that we are moving in the right direction.”
To be nominated for the Major Employer of the Year Award, an organization must employ more than 50 people in Clearfield County and demonstrate significant support for members of the community, as well as the Chamber of Commerce and other chamber members.
This year, the agency celebrates its 45th anniversary. They support the chamber by supporting other chamber members – frequently utilizing products and services from other local business for everything from medical supplies, to office supplies, to maintenance on their fleet of vehicles used for delivering Meals on Wheels, and much more. Administrators at the agency also often collaborate with the chamber to organize community events.
The agency supports the community in a wide variety of ways. They provide a full spectrum of adult medical care at the Susquehanna Wellness Clinic, provide affordable senior housing at the Dimeling Senior Residence, through shared housing options, and very soon will welcome the first of many residents at the new Village of Hope in West Decatur. The agency also provides nutritious meals to individuals in Clearfield County who find travel difficult, with Meals on Wheels drivers delivering 750 meals each day. Their innovative Adult Day Center provides care for people who need assistance during the day while their families are at work, school, or taking care of other responsibilities. And their Centers for Active Living provide a place for seniors to socialize and participate in fun and stimulating activities.
“We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our community partners, donors, and fellow chamber members who have shown their support over the years, and who have demonstrated that they value our work by bestowing this award upon us,” Gillespie said.
With the celebration of their 45th year, the agency has announced the formation of a parent Company, Mature Resources. The Mature Resources Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging will now encompass the AAA, the Susquehanna Wellness Clinic, and the Village of Hope as divisions of the overall organization. This rebranding is the result of a year-long process of determining that Mature Resources more accurately represents the evolving diversity of the highest quality health and human services offered to older residents of Clearfield County by this private 501 (c) (3) charitable organization.
Greater Clearfield Chamber of Commerce Director Kim Bloom said, “Congratulations to all of our 2022 Award Winners. Each one of these businesses are so deserving. It was wonderful being able to spend time together, and celebrate everyone's accomplishments.”
A full list of this year’s Greater Clearfield Chamber of Commerce award winners are:
Director's Choice Award: Roy Graham, Graham Sign Company
Shining Star Award: Keith and Tami Billotte, Doing Time, LLC.
Small Business of the Year: Ron and Mary Kay Reiter, Curwensville Florist
Major Employer of the Year: Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging, Dr. Jessica Ayers and Kathleen Gillespie, accepting.
Distinguished Citizen Award - Bob Grimminger & Patti Semelsberger
Lifetime Achievement Award - Mark Harley, wOKw