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Lifelong Learning Institute to present program on CPR and Life Support April 25

Steve Harmic

Apr 19, 2023

The MRAAA and Lock Haven University Clearfield collaborate each year to offer the Clearfield Community Lifelong Learning Institute.

CLEARFIELD, PA. – The Clearfield Community Lifelong Learning Institute, a partnership between Mature Resources Area Agency on Aging and Lock Haven Clearfield, will offer an informational program on life-saving techniques from 1:00 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at Lock Haven Clearfield.


Curtis Grenoble, faculty member in the Lock Haven Physician Assistant Studies program, will provide an overview of concepts regarding human physiology and emergency interventions that can allow bystanders to save a life during emergency situations. This course is an introduction to these concepts, and will not provide attendees with certification in CPR or Basic Life Support.


The MRAAA and Lock Haven University Clearfield collaborate each year to offer the Clearfield Community Lifelong Learning Institute. Courses are geared towards the interests of older citizens, typically lasting around 90 minutes. Courses are taught primarily by Lock Haven faculty and individuals from the community with specific expertise. All programs are free unless otherwise noted.


While this program is free, participants must register by calling 814-765-2696.

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