Steve Harmic
Jun 22, 2023
To receive an application, call 814-765-2696.
CURWENSVILLE, PA. – The Friends of the Area Agency on Aging Auxiliary is seeking new members, or inviting present members to renew their membership in support of the AAA. When you join the auxiliary, you receive a discount card, which includes discount offers at more than 50 local businesses throughout Clearfield County.  To get your discount, simply present your card at the time of purchase. The 2023-24 discount cards are valid beginning July 1, 2023.
Funds raised through this membership campaign as well as the Anne S. Thacik Charity Auction, held each year in October, have been used to fund numerous items needed for the delivery of meals to participants in Meals on Wheels and More, including purchase of vehicles, repairs, and ovens to keep the meals warm. Services including medication management, alarmed medication boxes and numerous programs to facilitate the management of chronic health conditions have also been supported. In addition, items to provide heat in the winter months, as well as shelter for older adults in need through housing programs have benefited.
This year, the Auxiliary has an ambitious campaign goal of reaching 900 members. Those interested in joining are asked to complete a membership application and return it with $10.00 per person or $15.00 per couple to 600 Cooper Road, Curwensville PA, 16833. To receive an application, call 814-765-2696.