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MRAAA Adult Day Center extends life-changing services for seniors, caregivers

Steve Harmic

Oct 5, 2023

Mary McCormick (center) leads daily activities for consumers at the Adult Day Center. Recently the center hosted a party for Josephine Calapa’s (right) 97th birthday.

CLEARFIELD, PA. – In Clearfield, a unique service helps older adults to thrive, while lending much needed support to loved ones who care for them. Under the direction of Mature Resources (MR), the Adult Day Center has made significant impacts upon the lives of seniors who require some extra help with daily functions, as well as the lives of their caregivers. Located at Daisy Place, at 1924 Daisy Street Extension (rear) Suite B, in Clearfield, the Adult Day Center provides care during the day to older adults in need of support services. This allows their family members or primary caregivers to work, run errands, or take care of household tasks while knowing their loved one is in good hands.


According to the latest statistics compiled by the National Alliance for Caregiving, the number of Americans providing unpaid care to an adult with health or functional needs in the U.S. was 53 million in 2020. This marks an increase of nearly 10 million caregivers in the U. S. since 2015, the majority of which care for spouses, parents, or other family members while maintaining jobs and other responsibilities. Services like those offered at the Adult Day Center help to lighten the load for many of these individuals.


One family member of an Adult Day client remarked, “It keeps mom active, engaged, and stimulated, and helps provide time for me to go to work. My mom thinks she is working, and this allows her to feel productive and maintain dignity.”


That sense of productivity is fostered through both individual and group activities, as well as socialization with peers and Adult Day staff.  The consumers play games together, complete puzzles, organize items, and more. They are provided lunch, and enjoy conversation and the opportunity to interact with others.


“Some like to do word searches or play card games.  Some love to play cornhole or ring toss. Some play the piano, and sing and dance,” said Adult Day Director Mary McCormick. “The activity is great for them, and it helps them feel healthier and active. Even after they’re home, family members tell us they are engaging in more activities like they used to. They’re interacting with family; they’re doing dishes and cleaning.”


The husband of one of the dozen regular attendees at the Adult Day Center said his wife, who lives with dementia, has shown vast improvement during her time at the center. He said, “My wife is able to interact with peers, and this is great for her self-esteem. The activities that allow her to use her creative side help her to hold onto that creativity in an environment where she is safe and comfortable socially. I am sure it will slow her decline, and she loves going.”


A woman whose husband has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease shared, “The interaction with Mary and others is good for him. The kindness and attention he receives does so much for him, and it gives me time to do other things I need to take care of.”  


An additional asset at the center is the addition of a Snoezelen Room. A combination of the Dutch words “snuffelen” (to seek and explore) and “doezelen” (to relax), the room is designed to deliver stimuli to the senses, using lighting effects, color, sounds, music, and scents as therapy for people living with dementia and other developmental disabilities. It is so effective at creating a sense of calm in individuals, that a smaller Snoezelen display has also been installed in the waiting room of the Susquehanna Wellness Clinic to help ease patient anxiety before their doctor’s visit.


For more information on the Adult Day Center, contact MRAAA at 814-765-2696 or for more information.

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